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Online Learning Offers

Digital courses and lecture material available through Geo.X partners

Freie Universität Berlin (FU) cancelled fu:stat courses on statistics this semester, but has a Wiki on useful statistical methods for Master and Ph.D. students. Their library has extended its digital offer of media and e-learning content, though parts are restricted to FU members. The digital teaching and learning platform CEDIS holds several complete lectures as videos, scripts or slide shows, some of which require access to FU blackboard.

Technische Universität Berlin (TU) runs an online learning plattform, ISIS. It requires a tubIT account to log in, though guest students and alumni can register for free. Data Science courses are offered by several departments there with different focus. TU and external students can also make use of courses offered by its language centre.

A great variety of free and commercial teaching and learning material have been gathered at TU's "digital teaching" webpage. MIT's and Harvard's edX plattform in particular has many offers in the data science field.

e-learning portal ISIS  TU language centre  digital teaching

Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (HU) offers exercises, online courses and literature recommendations for learning English and Russian through its language centre. HU houses its e-learning content on a Moodle plattform, which contains courses on data analysis, applied stochastics, basic and applied statistics. Both content in English and German language is available, but some offers require an HU account.

HU's Integrated Research Institute on Transformations of Human-Environment Systems (IRI THESys) organizes a bi-weekly virtual colloquium via Zoom, as part of its graduate program. Find a list of scheduled talks in summer 2020 linked below.

Language centre  HU Moodle  IRI Thesys Colloquium

University of Potsdam (UP) has its own moodle system for digital courses, mainly aimed at its students and teachers. In addition, the online learning plattform openHPI, run by the associated Hasso Plattner Institute offers courses focussed on IT and computer science, including Data Engineering, Data Science and Big Data Analytics. These are free of cost and open to everyone interested.

UP moodle  openHPI

Brandenburgische Technische Universität Cottbus-Senftenberg (BTU) runs a moodle plattform too. Some of its offers are free to college students preparing for studies and other interested guests. In addition, the university's library has online tutorials on how to use its resources and efficient reading. They also link at info material at ULB Münster on plagiarism and citation rules.

BTU e-learning  library online tutorials

The GFZ Helmholtz Centre for Geosciences's own Career Center gathered links to online courses focussed on developing academic and applied skills, such as scientific writing, self-management, programming and research data management.

Online Learning at Career Center

External Resources

The Helmholtz Association's Artificial Intelligence Cooperation Unit has compiled links to online courses and material on COVID-19 Research, Data Science, Statistics, Programming, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and others, most of which are free to access.

Helmholtz Learning Resources