Gregor Pfalz
HEIBRiDS PhD-candidate in Geo.DataScience
#Arctic Lakes #Multivariate Analysis #Multi-Proxy Investigation
Arctic Environmental Data Analytics
Supervisors: apl. Prof. Dr. Bernhard Diekmann (AWI), Dr. Boris K. Biskaborn (AWI) and Prof. Johann-Christoph Freytag, Ph.D. (ECDF/HU)
Project Outline:
This PhD topic is an initiative of the research group 'Terrestrial Environmental Systems' at the Alfred Wegener Institute Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research (AWI) and the Einstein Center Digital Future (ECDF) under the auspices of the HEIBRiDS program (Helmholtz Einstein International Berlin Research School in Data Science).
The main goal of this PhD project is to detect established lake-climate relationships by multivariate statistical analytics of a large Arctic sediment core data compilation. To correlate ecosystem changes with polar climate changes, biotic and abiotic proxy data assembled in the newly designed ARCLAKE database, need to be quality controlled and interpolated. For this reason, a data analytics system will be established in close collaboration between ECDF and AWI. To be more specific, the following two goals characterize the focus both in Data Science and in Geoscience:
Goal 1: Data science - development of an online data management and analysis system designed for multivariate statistics on lake sediment core parameters.
Goal 2: Geoscience - Reconstruction of past and present relationships between climate changes in the Arctic and ecosystem dynamics in northern lake systems.