
Teatime lectures "Climate Change and Adaptation Options"


Date: Monday 7th and Tuesday 8th December 2020, 16:45pm 

Location: Online, details upon registration

Host: British Embassy in Berlin and the...

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Geo.X Young Academy Talk Series from Alfred-Wegener-Institute Potsdam (AWI)

  Scientific Talks

Date: Friday, 4th of December 2020, 3:00 p.m.

Venue: Due to the current situation it will be held as an online event via Zoom.
Meeting ID: 962 4729...

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Geomicrobiological and Geochemical Colloquium - talk by Prof. C. Hallmann on "Algae, animals and the deep roots of the modern Earth system"

  Scientific Talks

Date: Tuesday, 10th of November 2020, 3:00 p.m.

Venue: Online via Zoom, details will follow

Hosts: Prof. Dr. Liane G. Benning, Section...

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Geo.X Young Academy Talk Series from University of Potsdam

  Scientific Talks

Date: Friday, 6th of October 2020, 3:00 p.m.

Venue: Due to the current situation it will be held as an online event via Zoom.
Meeting ID: 962 4729...

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Geo.X Young Academy Talk Series from GFZ - German Research Centre for Geosciences

  Scientific Talks

Date: Friday, 2nd of October 2020, 3:00 p.m.

Venue: Due to the current situation it will be held as an online event via Zoom.
Meeting ID: 962 4729...

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Earth Surface Dynamics seminar talk by Susan Trumbore

  Scientific Talks

Date: Tuesday, 1st of October 2020

Venue: Online via Zoom. 

Host: Dr. Kimberly Huppert, Postdoctoral Researcher at Section 4.7: “Earth Surface...

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Scientific research seminar and demonstration lectures W3 "Remote Sensing in Geo/Environmental Sciences"

  Scientific Talks

Date: Monday 14th, and Tuesday 15th of September 2020

Venue: Online via Zoom. Details below

the appointment procedure for the joint W3 professorship...

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Earth Surface Dynamics seminar talk by Cynthia Ebinger

  Scientific Talks

Date: Wednesday, 2nd of September 2020; 5:00 p.m.

Venue: Online via Zoom. Details follow soon.

Host: Dr. Kimberly Huppert, Postdoctoral Researcher...

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Earth Surface Dynamics seminar talk by Roberta Rudnick: “Earth's Unique Continents”

  Scientific Talks

Date: Tuesday, 4th of August 2020; 5:00 p.m.

Venue: Online via Zoom.
Meeting ID: 945 2538 7808
Passcode: continent

Host: Dr. Kimberly Huppert,...

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Talk by Sander Veraverbeke: “Intensifying fire regimes in the High North: climatic drivers and consequences”

  Scientific Talks

Date: Monday, 29th of June 2020, 10:30 a.m.

Host: Dr. Elisabeth Dietze, Polar Terrestrial Environmental Systems Group, Alfred-Wegener-Institute...

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