
Ahmed Djoghlaf: Lecture and discussion on the challenges and opportunities of the Paris agreement on Climate Change

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September 8th, 16:00 – 17:30

in the ballroom of the

Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies

Berliner Str. 130

14467 Potsdam

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Invitation to the seminar with Prof. David L. Mitchell, Nevada, USA

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Dependence of Global Sustainability on the Degree of Fear and Aspiration

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Einladung zur Antrittsvorlesung von Prof. Dr. Bodo Bookhagen

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Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät und Institut für Erd- und Umweltwissenschaften


Einladung zur Antrittsvorlesung von
Prof. Dr. Bodo...

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Geosim Seminar on July 3: Workshop "How to Properly License your Research"

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The Helmholtz Graduate Research School GeoSim invites all who are interested to a seminar/workshop on "How to Properly License your Research"

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Invitation: Talks on topics of the geomagnetic field, ionospheric and magnetospheric physics

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Invitation by Prof. Dr. Claudia Stolle
Section Head 2.3 Earth's magnetic field

The talks will be held at 11:00 am in Behlertstrasse 3a (Section 2.3),...

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Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften Berlin + Potsdam

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Samstag 13. Juni, 17 bis 24 Uhr

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Talking Science: FameLab Germany 2015 – Teilnehmer gesucht

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Regionaler Vorentscheid im Wettbewerb FameLab des British Council und Geo.X am 30. März im Henry-Ford-Bau der Freien Universität

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Paolo Dell' Aversana: ntegrated Geophysical Models - Theory, examples and implications on creativity

  Dates & Events

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

2:00 PM

FU Berlin GeoCampus Lankwitz

Malteserstr. 74-100

12249 Berlin

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