Geo.X - Our Mission
Geo.X is the research network for Earth and Planetary Sciences in Berlin and Potsdam. Our partners' vast scientific expertise in close vicinity enables us to pursue joint research issues critical to environmental security, resource supply, and sustainable development. In this way, Geo.X serves as a network for all those whose research or teaching relates to these topics, facilitating inter- and transdisciplinary approaches.
Our network activities focus on developing collaborative projects, promoting the next scientific generation, fostering synergies in teaching, and shared use of scientific infrastructure.
Key elements of Geo.X 2.0

With the aim of providing joint and substantial contributions to a future-oriented Earth system and planetary research, Geo.X will promote the development of collaborative projects in three stages:
1.1 create event formats for meeting and developing initial ideas
1.2 offer funding opportunities for the advancement of project ideas and the development of application frameworks.
1.3 non-monetary support for the final application process

To support the development of networks within and beyond Geo.X in the long term, we particularly emphasise the promotion of early career scientists:
2.1. ongoing development of the research-oriented Young Academy for a modern, interdisciplinary training
2.2. integration and active participation of the Early Career Scientist Section - ECSS in the network.

To increase the region’s attractiveness for national and international early career researchers, we support opening up the doctoral programmes of the Geo.X partners to all postgraduate students of the partner institutions.

We provide visibility of the existing scientific infrastructure of the partner institutions for collaboration and proposal applications and support its joint use (on a separate contract basis):
4.1. extension of the Geo.X portal for laboratory infrastructure LabInfrastructure@Geo.X with the possibility to connect to regional/national initiatives to include further instrument systems, data, software and services
4.2 Platform for infrastructure-related knowledge and experience exchange