Geo.X Funding
Please note: All Geo.X funding instruments are suspended till the end of 2020.
We will inform you if they are renewed. Thanks for your understanding.
Geo.X allocates funding for the purpose of initiating and developing new joint research projects within the network. In addition, we stimulate regional and international exchange and cooperation by providing travel grants.
Geo.X Seed Funding
Please note: All Geo.X funding instruments are suspended till the end of 2020.
We will inform you if they are renewed. Thanks for your understanding.
The Geo.X seed funding is an incentive for the initiation of new collaborative projects and supports young scientists in pursuing their academic career within the Geo.X network.
Geo.X promotes the initial planning and preparation of proposals for collaborative projects, thus providing incentives for Geo.X scientists to take the lead in coordinated programs. Currently, no new applications can be submitted.
Eligibility Requirements
Geo.X supports scientists, who take the leading/coordinating role within a new project consortium, in the preparation phase of proposals for
- EU- und ERC-Projects:
Framework Program “Horizon 2020”
Funding Program “Synergy Grant” - Coordinated programs of the DFG:
Collaborative Research Centers,
Priority Programs, Research Training Groups, Research Units - Joint projects from the federal framework programs.
For EU and ERC proposals, taking over the coordinating function is crucial. In the DFG and BMBF / BMWi / BMUB / BMEL / BMVI applications the involvement of at least two additional Geo.X partner institutions is a further basic condition. Interdisciplinary research approaches are explicitly welcome.
Eligible applicants are scientists from one of the Geo.X partner institutions.
Extent of Funding
The application for these programs will be supported with a maximum of € 20,000 if one of the Geo.X-institutions takes over the coordination, and the project share of the participating Geo.X-partner institutions totals at least € 500,000. The use of funds is left to the responsibility of the applicants (personnel costs or material costs for project initiation) but must undoubtedly serve the application mentioned above.
In two-phase processes initially € 10,000 will be supplied for the preparation of the pre-proposal. After an invitation to submit a full proposal, the balance amounting to additional € 10,000 will be provided.
Application procedure
Instructions on requested documents and personal specifications are given in the application form. The submission of applications is possible within the given deadlines.
The decision is made by the Geo.X Steering Committee according to criteria for
- the relevance to the Geo.X key topics and cross-cutting issues,
- potential of the project to foster collaboration within Geo.X, and
- the interdisciplinary nature of the proposed research approach
Declaration of commitment
The applicant agrees to indicate that the preparation of the submitted proposal has been financially supported by Geo.X, according to the Geo.X Funding Acknowledgement.
A copy of the submitted proposal must also be handed in to the Geo.X Head Office.
Summary Report for rejected project proposals
It is assumed that funding will have positive effects on networking between the Geo.X partner institutions even in the case of a negative review result. Therefore, a brief report will be requested, showing whether the joint initiative will at least be maintained in parts.
Application deadlines
Currently, no new applications can be submitted.
Thanks for your understanding.
Geo.X Head Office
Dr. Hildegard Gödde
Lisa Rheinheimer
E-mail: info@geo-x.net
Phone: +49(0)331 288 1090
Application Form
Geo.X supports the application of Geo.X scientists in the postdoc stage of their scientific careers. There is a particular focus on the application in highly competitive programs.
Currently, no new applications can be submitted.
Eligibility conditions
The funding supports the application of Geo.X scientists in programs of the DFG, EU, Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, Volkswagen Foundation, BMBF for the Promotion of Young Scientists.
- All DFG proposal submission options for individual funding for Post-doctoral researchers (funding programmes at a glance)
- BMBF Junior Research Groups
Volkswagen Foundation:
- Lichtenberg Professorships
- ERC Starting Grants
- Marie Curie Program
Einstein Foundation:
- Einstein-Junior-Fellowship
The proposed projects are intended to promote scientific cooperation within the Geo.X network. Ideally, interdisciplinary research approaches will stimulate geoscientific cooperation with other scientific disciplines.
Eligible applicants are early career scientists who
- are employed at one of the Geo.X partner institutions at the time of application,
- submit an application to the programs mentioned above, and
- involve at least two partner institutions in their research projects.
Extent of Funding
Geo.X funding comprises a researcher position according to the German TV-L E13 (100%) and is awarded for a 3-month period. The participation of the applicant Geo.X partner institution by providing co-funding to at least an equivalent period and amount is crucial.
Even the Geo.X financed employment must take place according to the individual conditions of the applicant institution.
Declaration of commitment
The applicant agrees to indicate that the preparation of the submitted proposal has been financially supported by Geo.X, according to the Geo.X Funding Acknowledgement.
A copy of the submitted proposal must also be handed in to the Geo.X Head Office.
Application procedure
Instructions on requested documents and personal specifications are given in the application guide. The submission of applications is possible within the given deadlines.
The decision is made by the Geo.X Steering Committee according to criteria for
- the relevance to the Geo.X key topics and cross-cutting issues,
- potential of the project to foster collaboration within Geo.X, and
- the interdisciplinary nature of the proposed research approach
Application deadlines
Currently, no new applications can be submitted.
Thanks for your understanding.
Geo.X Head Office
Dr. Hildegard Gödde
Lisa Rheinheimer
E-mail: info@geo-x.net
Phone: 0331.288-1090
Application Guideline
Application Form
Travel grants
Please note: All Geo.X funding instruments are suspended till the end of 2020.
We will inform you if they are renewed. Thanks for your understanding.
Currently, no new applications can be submitted.
Thanks for your understanding.
A. Purpose
One of the aims of Geo.X is to support collaborative research between its partner institutes. In this context, Geo.X provides travel grants to doctoral candidates and post-doctoral researchers to support their participation in national and international conferences and workshops.
B. Conditions and Eligibility
Doctoral candidates and post-doctoral researchers who are employed at one of the Geo.X partner institutions are eligible to apply for a Geo.X Early Career Scientist (ECS) travel grant. Proposals must have applicants affiliated exclusively with at least two Geo.X partners (i.e. at least one co-applicant may not be affiliated with the applicant's home institute). The supervisor of the doctoral candidates must be a scientist at one of the Geo.X partner institutions.
The travel grant is awarded for participation in conferences and workshops with thematic relevance to the core Geo.X research fields (https://www.geo-x.net/en/mission/).
Doctoral candidates are requested to submit a letter of support from their supervisor together with the application form. The letter of support must underline the significance of the conference or workshop for the field of research of the doctoral candidate and confirm the financial need of a travel grant.
Attendance in national and international conferences and workshops is supported if the applicant plays an active role in the conference or workshop. This usually takes the form of a contributed oral presentation or poster and/or participation in conference/workshop organization. Applicants must specify their contribution on their application form. If the travel grant is used for a workshop, the Geo.X Head Office might ask for an experience report or an introduction into the field or method the candidates gained new knowledge in.
Doctoral and post-doctoral candidates who receive Geo.X travel grants must acknowledge Geo.X financial support in their conference/workshop contributions. For this, please use the Geo.X logo and acknowledgement, which can be downloaded under the following link: https://www.geo-x.net/downloads/
Geo.X acknowledgement: "This contribution was financially supported by Geo.X, the Research Network for Geosciences in Berlin and Potsdam"
Following the conference or workshop, the contribution (presentation slides or poster) is to be submitted in electronic form (usually PDF), at the latest 4 weeks after the conference or workshop ends, to the Geo.X head office: travelgrants@geo-x.net and to the Geo.X coordinator of your institution (https://www.geo-x.net/en/the-network/contact-person/).
Submitted contributions are used for internal documentation only and will not be made public.
C. Application deadline
Currently, no new applications can be submitted.
Thanks for your understanding.
D. Funding:
a) For national conferences and workshops:
Travel grants of up to 250 € are awarded to support participation in conferences and workshops taking place in Germany.
b) For international conferences and workshops:
Travel grants of up to 500 € are awarded to support participation in international conferences and workshops.
E. Disbursement of the travel grants
Travel must be approved by the host Geo.X partner. The payment of the trip occurs via travel expense reimbursement through the host Geo.X partner. Geo.X support must therefore be declared to the host Geo.X partner's administration.
Travel grants are not transferable to other trips or events or to another person. If the research stay is cancelled or changed, then the travel grant is revoked.
F. Application procedure:
Before submitting an application for a Geo.X ECS travel grant, please contact the Geo.X coordinator of your institution. The responsible coordinator can be found under the following link: https://www.geo-x.net/en/the-network/contact-person/
The final application must be forwarded to the Geo.X coordinator of your institution.
Please submit your application in a single PDF file.
Geo.X coordinators will notify applicants from their institute of the results of the evaluation by e-mail.
G. Duration of the supporting measure
The Conference Travel Grant for Early Career Scientists terms are valid from the 4/1/2017 until the 30/11/2021.
Currently, no new applications can be submitted.
Thanks for your understanding.
A. Purpose
One of the aims of Geo.X is the support of collaborative research. In this context, Geo.X provides travel grants to postdocs and doctorate candidates for research stays at non-Geo.X institutions.
B. Conditions and Eligibility:
Postdoctoral researchers and Ph.D. candidates are eligible to apply for an outgoing Geo.X travel grant. They must be employed at one of the Geo.X partner institutions at the time of application and travel. Proposals must have applicants affiliated exclusively with at least two Geo.X partners (i.e. at least one co-applicant may not be affiliated with the applicant's home institute).
The interest of collaboration should be expressed by at least one of the co-authors in form of a support letter or Email.
After returning, the outgoing scientist must submit a short report (max. 1 page) or give a talk about the research stay. This contribution should outline the benefit for the Geo.X network. The announcement of the talk with all relevant details should be send to info@geo-x.net in order to publish it on the Geo.X website.
Research stays may take place in Germany or in foreign countries. Research stays must be at least two weeks.
Doctorate candidates have to present a letter of support or recommendation from their supervisor as part of their Geo.X travel grant application. This letter of support must describe the importance of the planned stay to the applicant's doctorate.
The applicant must acknowledge Geo.X financial support in all presentations, posters and publications related to the research stay using the Geo.X Logo and acknowledgement, which can be downloaded under the following link: https://www.geo-x.net/downloads/
Geo.X acknowledgement: "This research stay was financially supported by Geo.X, the Research Network for Geosciences in Berlin and Potsdam"
C. Application deadline
Currently, no new applications can be submitted.
Thanks for your understanding.
D. Funding:
Travel grants of up to 2500 € per research stay are awarded. Costs that may be covered include outward and return journeys and local transportation (flight ticket, train tickets, public transport, hired cars, taxi costs, etc.) and accommodation (hotel, pension, guest- room). It is essential to ensure that the travel costs are billable in accordance with the Federal Travel Expenses Act. Not eligible for funding are costs for catering, material costs e.g. books and photocopies, entertainment or private trips. Costs for any accompanying persons are not covered.
E. Disbursement of the travel grants
Travel must be approved by the host Geo.X partner. The payment of the trip occurs via travel expense reimbursement through the host Geo.X partner.
The travel grant is not transferable to other trips or events nor to another person. If the research stay is cancelled or changed, then the travel grant is revoked.
F. Application procedure:
Before submitting an outgoing Geo.X travel grant application, please contact the Geo.X coordinator of your institution. The responsible coordinator can be found under the following link: https://www.geo-x.net/en/the-network/contact-person/
The final application must be forwarded to the Geo.X coordinator of your institution. Please submit your application in one single PDF file.
Geo.X coordinators will notify applicants from their institute of the results of the evaluation by e-mail.
G. Duration of the supporting measure:
The Travel Grant for Outgoing Scientists terms are valid from 4/1/2017 until 30/11/2021.
Currently, no new applications can be submitted.
Thanks for your understanding.
A. Purpose
One of the aims of Geo.X is the support of collaborative research. In this context, Geo.X provides financial support for visiting post-doctoral researchers and senior scientists for research stays at one of the Geo.X partner institutions.
B. Conditions and Eligibility
Travel grant applications for visiting post-doctoral researchers or senior scientists must be submitted by a post-doctoral researcher or senior scientist employed at one of the Geo.X partner institutions.
Travel grants are awarded only for visiting researchers within the framework of Geo.X-based projects, which therefore involve at least 3 Geo.X partner institutions (i.e. at least two co-applicants may not be affiliated with the applicant's home institute).
It is expected that the guest scientist will give a talk, lecture or workshop for the interested geoscientific community within Geo.X. The announcement with all relevant details should be send to info@geo-x.net in order to publish it on the Geo.X website.
The supported guest scientist and applicant must acknowledge Geo.X financial support in all presentations, posters and publications related to the research stay using the Geo.X Logo and acknowledgement, which can be downloaded under the following link: www.geo-x.net/downloads
Geo.X acknowledgement: "This research stay was financially supported by Geo.X, the Research Network for Geosciences in Berlin and Potsdam"
C. Application deadline
Currently, no new applications can be submitted.
Thanks for your understanding.
D. Funding
Travel grants of up to 2500 € per research stay are awarded. Costs that may be covered include outward and return journeys and local transportation (flight ticket, train tickets, public transport, hired cars, taxi costs, etc.) and accommodation (hotel, pension, guest-room, etc.). It is essential to ensure that the travel costs are billable in accordance with the Federal Travel Expenses Act. Not eligible for funding are costs for catering, material costs e.g. books and photocopies, entertainment or private trips. Costs for any accompanying persons are not covered. Costs for any accompanying persons are not covered.
E. Disbursement of the travel grants
The travel grant approved by Geo.X, must be declared in the travel expenses application of the visiting postdoc or guest scientist at their own institution. The payment of the trip occurs via the respective travel expense reimbursement of the applying Geo.X partner institution.
The travel grant is not transferable to other trips or events nor to another person. If the research stay needs to be cancelled or changed, please contact the Geo.X coordinator of your institution, see below.
F. Application procedure:
Before submitting an incoming Geo.X travel grant application, please contact the Geo.X coordinator of your institution. The responsible coordinator can be found under the following link: https://www.geo-x.net/en/the-network/contact-person/
The final application must be forwarded to the Geo.X coordinator of your institution. Please submit your application in one single PDF file.
Geo.X coordinators will notify applicants from their institute of the results of the evaluation by e-mail.
G. Duration of the supporting measure:
The Travel grant for Guest Scientist terms are valid from 4/1/2017 until 30/11/2021.
Geo.X Funding Acknowledgement
Download Geo.X Logo
Written caption:
"This contribution/publication was financially supported by Geo.X, the Research Network for Geosciences in Berlin and Potsdam"
Grant/Project-number: SO_087_GeoX
Twitter: @Geo_X_
hashtags: #GeoXwashere #GeoXYA #GeoXECS #GeoXfunded