Hannes Vasyura-Bathke
University Potsdam
Helmholtz Centre Potsdam
GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences
Starting date: 1st October 2017
T-Profile (view)
What is a T-Profile?
Looking outside of one's own (academic) box is part of the program of the Geo.X Young Academy: Since innovative solutions to complex problems require several disciplines, it is beneficial for problem solvers to speak different "languages" to ease understanding and allow for varying points of view. In order to attain better insight not only into your professional experience and academic knowledge, but also your interfacing expertise, interdisciplinary skills and projects. The vertical bar must be filled with relevant information about your academic studies. In the horizontal bar, you can map competencies and activities that transcend or do not relate directly to your field of study.
Partners: Dr. Matthias Ohrnberger (UP), Prof. Dr. Tobias Scheffer (UP), Dr. Thomas Walter (GFZ), Dr. Sabrina Metzger (GFZ), Prof. Torsten Dahm (GFZ)
Project: Artificial Intelligence support for rapid Analysis of Earthquake and Volcanic Activity
Natural hazards associated with earthquakes and volcanoes demand rapid and ideally, real time assessment of the occurring processes to efficiently distribute staff and resources at locations where help is most urgently needed. To do this, we need to estimate the parameters of the source that caused the hazard. Parameters like fault-length and slip of an earthquake or the depth of magma in the crust for a volcanic eruption. A common problem here is the large data quantity and complexity in the analyzing techniques, which take from weeks up to months for the parameters of interest (and their uncertainties) to be estimated. In the project we aim to use Artificial Neural Networks to significantly speed up the assessment of these data for mitigating risk.