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June 24th, 2016 @WIS| Geo.X Advanced Seismology Thematic workshop

  Dates & Events

Wissenschaftsetage im Bildungsforum Potsdam,

Am Kanal 47, 14467 Potsdam

10-16 Uhr


Geo.X Advanced Seismology Thematic workshop:

"Seismology beyond seismometers: new concepts of integrating different sensors"

June 24th, 2016

Wissenschaftsetage im Bildungsforum Potsdam, Am Kanal 47, 14467 Potsdam,


The workshop aims to bring together seismologist and scientists from the broader Berlin-Potsdam region 
from different disciplines working at the forefront of sensor and method development with links to seismology. 
We want to discuss future directions of integrating different sensors for research and the potentials and visions 
of novel research lines. 

We have invited several key experts from different fields and plan sufficient time for a panel discussion to work out 
new  collaborations and to develop visions for a joint research proposal(s) in this field (see program).

For organizational reasons, please sign up for attendance at Mrs Koester (

PhD students are invited to present posters of their current work (or plans)

Please prepare your presentations and the discussion to highlight interesting science questions and 
method / sensor developments with relation to seismology, which bear potential to take off when  forces are joined.

Torsten Dahm, Frederik Tilmann, Frank Krüger, Serge Shapiro




Draft Program:
(Download PDF)


10:10-10:30 Welcome coffee and short intro

10:30-11:15 New steps in source seismology from combinations of seismometers and space geodesy H. Sudhaus, Univ. Kiel Emmy N. Group

11:15-12:00 Muon tomography for monitoring volcanic unrest Ch. Carloganu Clermont Ferrand

12:00-12:45 The potential of rotational ground motions observations for seismology H. Igel, Munich ERC Group

12:45-13:30 Short Lunch Break (sandwiches and soft drinks …)

13:30-13:45 Can satellite gravity contribute to earthquake studies? R. Wang, N.N., GFZ

13:45-14:00 Atomic clocks and seismology F. Krüger, Univ. Potsdam

14:00-14:15 Smart cables F. Tilmann, GFZ

14:15-14:35 Fiber optic cables: a new research dimension from ultra-dense and ultra long sensors P. Jousset, T. Reinsch, J. Henninges, GFZ

14:35-14:50 Large N arrays in seismology C. Haberland, T. Ryberg, F.Tilmann, GFZ

14:50-15:10 Poster session and coffee

15:10-16:30 Plenary discussion: Graduate schools or other funding options All

16:30 Closing




