The joint annual meeting of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Geowissenschaften (DGG), Deutsche Mineralogische Gesellschaft (DMG), and Geologische Vereinigung (GV) - GeoBerlin 2015: "Dynamic Earth – from Alfred Wegener to today and beyond" will focus on review how Wegener's findings evolved into to modern Earth system science including its impact on climate and the Earth surface, and how this system affects our daily life: where humans live, what risks we are exposed to, where we find our resources. In the meeting the societies are invited to propose sessions that cover the entire geoscience spectrum (from mineral physics over solid earth geodynamics to the climate sciences). In events open to the general public we will get an account of Wegeners final trip to Greenland on the history of science of his hypothesis.
The conference takes place in the Henry Ford Bau of the FU Berlin, is staged by the FU Berlin and GFZ Potsdam, and is supported by the Potsdam-Berlin Geoscience research platform Geo.X.
Geo.X will stage the Geo.X School "Methods in Geosciences" in the week before the conference: 28th September – 2st October 2015.
For more information see