
Seminar of the Institute of Planetary Research (DLR) - talk by Bastian Gundlach: Comets – Why Should We Study Them?

  Scientific Talks

Date: Tuesday, 11th March 2024

Venue: online

Speaker: Prof. Dr. Bastian Gundlach (Institut für Planetologie, Universität Münster)

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Seminar of the Institute of Planetary Research (DLR) - talk by Doug Hemingway: Icy ocean world interiors – techniques and implications

  Scientific Talks

Date: Tuesday, 5th March 2024

Venue: online

Speaker: Prof. Dr. Doug Hemingway (Institute of Geophysics, The University of Texas at Austin)

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Co-PREPARE online lecture series "Understanding the Dynamics of the Natural Hazards in the Himalayas"


Date: Thursday, 22nd February, 10:00 a.m. (Berlin), 2:30 p.m. (Roorkee)

Speaker: Prof. Pradeep Srivastava Department of Earth Sciences | Indian...

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Geomicrobiological and Geochemical Colloquium - talk by Dr. Sonja Oberbeckmann: The microplastic microbiome

  Scientific Talks

Date: Tuesday, 20th February 2024

Venue: GFZ, building A71, seminar room 513/515

Hosts: Prof. Dr. Liane G. Benning, Section 3.5: Interface...

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Geokolloquium der FU Berlin - talk by Dr. Wasja Bloch: When the lithosphere goes diving: Seismological signatures of present day subduction processes

  Scientific Talks

Date: Thursday, 25th January 2024

Venue: Großer Hörsaal C.011, Haus C, Malteserstrasse 74-100, 12249 Berlin

Host:Dr. Jonas Folesky (FU Berlin)


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Seminar of the Institute of Planetary Research (DLR) - talk by Markus Flatken: VisPlore: A Platform for Visual Data Analysis at DLR

  Scientific Talks

Date: Tuesday, 23rd January 2024

Venue: DLR, Berlin-Adlershof, Rutherfordstr. 2, Lecture Hall (Rotunde)

Speaker: Markus Flatken (Scientific...

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Geographisches Kolloquium der FU Berlin - talk by Corinna Langwald & Lena Schimmel: Zwei Werdegänge: Vom Studienabschluss (M.Sc. Geographische Umweltforschung) in die Berufstätigkeit

  Scientific Talks

Date: Tuesday, 23rd January 2024

Venue: Hörsaal G 202, Haus G, Malteserstrasse 74-100, 12249 Berlin

Host:Dr. Philipp Hoelzmann (FU Berlin)


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Co-PREPARE online lecture series "Understanding the Dynamics of the Natural Hazards in the Himalayas"


Date: Friday, 19th January, 9:30 a.m. (Berlin), 2:00 p.m. (Roorkee)

Speaker: Dr. Georg Veh (Institute of Environmental Science and Geography |...

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Geokolloquium der FU Berlin - talk by Dr. Andreas Hübner: Publication fees for Open Access journal articles and books: what does Freie Universität pay?

  Scientific Talks

Date: Thursday, 18th January 2024

Venue: Großer Hörsaal C.011, Haus C, Malteserstrasse 74-100, 12249 Berlin

Host:Dr. Georg Heiss (FU Berlin)


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Geographisches Kolloquium der FU Berlin - talk by Dr. Jörg Lang (BGR): Was hat eiszeitliche Erosion mit der Sicherheit eines Endlagers zu tun?

  Scientific Talks

Date: Tuesday, 9th January 2024

Venue: Hörsaal G 202, Haus G, Malteserstrasse 74-100, 12249 Berlin

Host:Dr. Jacob Hardt (FU Berlin)

Speaker: Dr....

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