
Keynote and Panel Discussion: "Perspectives on Ethics in Geoscientific Research" - Geo.X Young Academy Autumn School 2021


Date: Wednesday 17th November at 9:00am

Venue: Henry Ford Building FU Berlin, Garystr. 35

Speaker:Prof. Dr. Mrinalini Kochupillai, AI4EO, TUM &...

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Keynote "Volunteered, coerced, protected: Opportunities and Pitfalls of User-generated Location Data for Research" - Geo.X Young Academy Autumn School 2021


Date: Monday 15th November at 17:00 pm

Venue: lecture hall FU Berlin: Thielallee 67

Speaker: Prof. Carsten Keßler, Bochum University of Applied...

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Jahrestagung 2021 des ForschungsVerbunds Erneuerbare Energien - Mit Wasserstoff zur Klimaneutralität – von der Forschung in die Anwendung


Date: 10th/11th November 2021

Venue:im Umweltforum Berlin und Online als Livestream

Host: ForschungsVerbund Erneuerbare Energien (FVEE)

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Course: New methods for sustainable resource exploration


Date: 1st - 5th November,

Venue:National Core Repository of the Federal Institute of Geosciences and Natural Resources, BGR, at Berlin Spandau


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Geo.X ECS SciComLab - Using Podcasts in GeoSciComm Lessons from "Gneiss Chats"


Date: Thursday 28th October at 13:00 pm

Venue: online via zoom (details below)

Speaker:Vitor Barrote, Postdoctoral Researcher - FU Berlin


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Tag der Hydrogeologie 2021: Berichte aus der Praxis: Klimawandel und Wasserressourcen in Berlin-Brandenburg


Date: 27. October 2021

Venue: großen Sitzungssaal H 3005 (Hauptgebäude, 3. Etage)

Host: TU Berlin

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NSIH 2021 - Natural-hazard Symposium for the Indian Himalayas


Date: 25th - 28th October, 10:30am - 14:30pm CEST / 14:00 - 18:00pm IST

Venue: Online, upon regsitration

Host: Projekt Co-PREPARE, Indian Institute...

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NatRiskChange: 2nd International Conference on Natural Hazards and Risks in a Changing World


Date: 5 - 6th October 2021

Venue: The on-site event will take place  at the University of Potsdam, Campus Griebnitzsee, Building 6.


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Gesprächsreihe: Citizen Science Strategie 2030


Date: Wednesday 29th September at 19:00 pm

Venue: online via zoom (details below)

Speaker: Wiebke Züghart, Bundesamt für Naturschutz (BfN)  ...

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DEUQUA-Tagung 2021: Connecting Geoarchives


The DEUQUA 2021 conference is organised by the German Quaternary Association (DEUQUA – Deutsche Quartärvereinigung) and the Section Climate Dynamics...

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