
“Landscapes Live” online seminar: Ajay Limaye (University of Virginia) “Origin and evolution of river forms”

  Scientific Talks

Date: Thursday 11th March at 7am PST / 10am EST / 3pm GMT / 4pm CET 

Venue: This seminar will be live on Zoom

Hosts: Landscapes Live is the EGU...

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“Landscapes Live” online seminar: Karl Lang (Georgia Tech) on "Linking orogeny and orography in the Southern Alps of New Zealand"

  Scientific Talks

Date: Thursday 4th March at 7am PST / 10am EST / 3pm GMT / 4pm CET 

Venue: This seminar will be live on Zoom

Hosts: Landscapes Live is the EGU...

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Earth Surface Dynamics (ESD) online seminar "Including Societal Adaptation Dynamics in Risk Assessment Models" by Dr. Jeroen Aerts (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam)


Date: Wednesday, 3rd March 2021 at 10:30 am

Venue: Online via Zoom. Details below. 

Host: Prof. Dr. Andreas Güntner, GFZ & Uni Potsdam

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Georgy Ayzel

PhD defense Georgy Ayzel: Advancing radar-based precipitation nowcasting: an open benchmark and the potential of deep learning

  Scientific Talks

Date: Tuesday, 2nd March, 2021, 1pm - 3 pm

Venue: Uni Potsdam, Campus Golm, Lecture hall building 12, or online via zoom, access details below


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Prof. Jan Lindsay: “Determining Volcanic Risk in Auckland: The DEVORA research programme and new insights into the Auckland Volcanic Field, New Zealand”

  Scientific Talks

Date: Wednesday 24.02. 08:00 AM CET

Venue: Online 

Hosts: Prof. Dr. Torsten Dahm (Section 2.1 „Physics of Earthquakes and Volcanoes“)

Speaker: Prof...

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Co-PREPARE online lecture series - Prof. Walter W. Immerzeel: "Understanding the Dynamics of the Natural Hazards in the Himalayas"

  Scientific Talks

Date: Friday, 19. February, 2021 at 9.30 am

Venue: Online, access details below

Hosts: Dr. Jürgen Mey, Coordinator of Co-PREPARE

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Geo.X Young Academy Talk Series from Museum für Naturkunde (MfN)

  Scientific Talks

Date: Friday, 5th February 2021, 3:00 p.m.

Venue: Due to the current situation it will be held as an online event via Zoom. Access details below. 


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Earth Surface Dynamics (ESD) online seminar "Subducting carbon", by Prof. Terry Plank (Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory of Columbia University, NY)


Date: Tuesday, 19th January 2021 at 3 pm

Venue: Online via Zoom. Details below. 

Host: Dr Silvia Crosetto, (Section 4.1 "Lithosphere Dynamics")

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PD Dr. Simona Regenspurg: Solutions for Geothermal Energy Exploitation- Risks and Benefits utilizing Deep Fluids

  Scientific Talks

Date: Monday, 18. January, 2021 at 2.00 pm

Venue: Online, details upon registration

Hosts: On behalf of Prof. Scheck-Wenderoth, Director of...

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Interface Geochemistry Seminar: Dr. Jeffrey Paulo H. Perez (GFZ, Sec. 3.5 Interface Geochemistry) on: “Green rust formation and its reactivity with arsenic species”


Date: Thursday, 14th January 2021 at 2pm

Venue: Online via Zoom. 

Host: Thaïs Couasnon, Jeffrey Paulo Perez (Sec. 3.5 Interface Geochemistry)

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