Call: Grow Your Idea!

Developing new collaborative research in geo- and planetary sciences and beyond using existing competencies in the Geo.X network 


The partners of the Geo.X network hold the scientific expertise and infrastructure to run collaborative projects in many fields of geoscience research including inter- and transdisciplinary approaches. We want to trigger a creative scientific process to help research ideas grow into collaborative projects. To support this aim, we can provide financial support and help with the organization of various exchange formats such as round tables, workshops with invited guests, scientific retreats and others. Within the new structure of Geo.X there will be a Grow Your Idea! call three times a year. 


Who can apply?

If you are a scientist at a Geo.X partner institution, you are welcome to submit an application until the 15th of October 2024.

"Grow Your Idea!" addresses the following motivations: 

  1. I or we have an innovative idea and want to develop it with several partners utilizing existing expertise in the Geo.X area.
    We highly welcome inter- and transdisciplinary approaches.

  2. We are already a nucleus group, have identified an emerging research topic, and want to transform it into a proposal or a focus group.

This should be briefly described in the application form under "Current Stage, Partners  and Further Information".

With our Grow your Idea! financial support, we aim to promote thematic workshops, round tables, retreats and other networking events with contributions from at least three Geo.X partners.


What do you need to do?

Suggest an innovative scientific topic or research question and choose a format (e.g., a round table) to discuss and/or further develop your idea together with other Geo.X colleagues and external experts. Ideally, we want to “grow” research topics as the basis for participation in collaborative research programs.

Please contact the Geo.X coordinator at your institution before submitting your application and receive advice on the financial and organisational aspects of your application. Applicants from the TU Berlin or the GFZ please contact the Geo.X Head Office. This consultation is obligatory.


What does Geo.X supply?

After approval through the Geo.X Strategy Team the initiative will receive logistic support by the Geo.X coordination team and financial support. To meet individual needs, we have decided against a financial ceiling per application. However, please be aware that our budget is limited. The requested funds must therefore be appropriate and justifiable. Please note that Geo.X does not cover daily allowances.


What does Geo.X expect?

Ideally a lively discussion amongst many Geo.X partners on a research topic that can potentially be developed further towards a collaborative program. We kindly ask for a short report (no more than one page) on the major outcomes of the event. Please send this report to the Geo.X Head Office shortly after the event.

We would expect the event to take place within the next six months, preferably until spring 2025.


If you have any questions your institutional Geo.X coordinator or the Geo.X Head Office will be happy to help. 

Your Geo.X (coordination) team