Call: ECS Community Grant
The Geo.X Early Career Scientists Section invites early career researchers from the partner institutions to submit proposals for any activities fostering training, collaboration and exchange. We provide financial support and organizational assistance for various formats such as workshops, seminars, talks and networking events.
Who can apply?
If you are an early career researcher at a Geo.X partner institution, you are encouraged to apply. The call is continuously open until we run out of funds.
What do you need to do?
Suggest an activity for early career researchers within the Geo.X network. Your idea should meet two crucial criteria:
- It must involve early career scientists from at least two Geo.X partner institutions.
- The proposed activity must be open to all network members. You are free to limit the number of participants.
How to apply?
Fill out the registration form which includes a short one-page proposal with a description of the activities, a statement of how the activity will promote early career researchers across the partner institutes, and a detailed table of requested and justified funds.
What does Geo.X supply?
After approval through the Geo.X ECS Core Team, the applicants will receive logistic (by the Geo.X coordination team) and financial support. To meet individual needs, we have decided against a financial ceiling per application. However, please be aware that our budget is limited. The requested funds must therefore be appropriate and justifiable.
What does Geo.X expect?
Ideally a lively activity amongst many early career scientists within Geo.X. We kindly ask for a short report (no more than one page and some photos) on the major outcomes of the event. The material should be publishable by Geo.X. Please send this report to the Geo.X Head Office within one month after the event.
We would expect the event to take place within the next six months after confirmation.
If you have any questions your institutional Geo.X coordinator or the ECS Section Core Group will be happy to help. Applicants from TU Berlin please contact the Geo.X Head Office.
Your Geo.X Early Career Section Core Team