Application Guideline

Important Note

This is an internal offer.
Applications are only possible if you are scientist at one of the Geo.X partner institutions
(AWI, DLR, FU Berlin, GFZ, HU Berlin, MfN, PIK, TU Berlin, UP).

If your application does not clearly indicate one of these affiliations, your application will not be submitted and will be deleted from the review process without further notice. 


"ECS Community Grant!" addresses Early Career Scientists that have a cool idea for any activities fostering training, collaboration and exchange across the Geo.X area. We highly welcome inter- and transdisciplinary ideas.

With our ECS Community Grant! financial support, we aim to support various formats such as workshops, seminars, talks and networking events with contributions from at least two Geo.X partners. The activity has to be open to everyone within the network (but can be limited by a maximum number of participants).

A brief guide to the online application form

You will need to complete the application form in a single session - the form will be cleared when you leave the page.  Incomplete applications will not be taken into consideration.

In the case of severe technical problems with the online form please contact

Acceptance decisions

The applications will be reviewed by the Geo.X ECS Core Team.

Applicants will receive an e-mail notification about acceptance decision within two weeks after application.


In case of questions please turn to:
