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The Research Network for Geosciences in Berlin and Potsdam
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Research Network for Geosciences in Berlin and Potsdam Geo.X
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ECS Community Grant
Application Form
Application Form
Application Form (ECS Community Grant)
(1) Personal Details
Personal Details
Family name / surname
Given name(s) / first name
Contact Details
E-mail address
I am an early career scientist at...
Geo.X partner institution
Please choose...
Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research, Research Unit Potsdam AWI
Freie Universität Berlin FUB
German Aerospace Center DLR
GFZ Helmholtz Centre for Geosciences
Humboldt Universität zu Berlin HUB
Museum of Natural History MfN
Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research PIK
University of Potsdam UP
Technische Universität Berlin TUB
(2) Overview Activity
Title of the planned activity
Short summary
Planned event format
If others
Envisaged time window
Planned activities
Justification for requested funds
Requested funds (total)
Do you need organizational support from the Geo.X coordination team?
(3) Current Stage, Partners and Further Information
Promotion of early career researchers
Existing / envisaged participants
Further relevant information regarding your application
How did you learn from this call?
Geo.X website
Mailing list
Geo.X coordination team
If others
(4) Declaration and Submit
I declare that the given information is true and that Geo.X is allowed to store the data for purposes of application/admission.
Data Protection
I hereby agree that my personal data is collected, processed and used only for the purpose of processing my application to the Geo.X Head Office. A storage of personal data beyond the processing period takes place only to the extent necessary for accounting purposes. Data without allowing a direct reference to the person are used for statistical evaluation. The revocation is possible at any time with the
Geo.X Head Office.
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Call: ECS Community Grant
Application Guideline
Application Form