Special Events
Ice-Breaker-Party: The Ice-Breaker-Party starts on Sunday, 25 September at the GFZ. During the Ice-Breaker-Party you can register for the conference and pick up your conference bags.
Evening lecture: A public evening lecture on burning issues in Quaternary research will complete the first conference day.
Young DEUQUA kick-off meeting: The meeting serves for networking of young researchers / early career scientists ECS - students are also welcome! The conference dinner will take place for further networking.
Conference dinner: For further networking of the conference participants, a dinner will take place.
DEUQUA General Assembly and Award ceremony: The statutory general meeting (general meeting of members) will take place within the framework of the DEUQUA-conference 2022.
Lecture "Communication of research results" : We will invite the Helmholtz research network REKLIM (Regional Climate Change) to share its experiences from the last more than 10 years concerning knowledge transfer and dialogue processes with the society in a keynote as part of DEUQUA-conference 2022. The participants will then discuss how to meet best and most efficiently the ever increasing demands of funders and society for a broader knowledge transfer.
We are planning the DEUQUA-conference 2022 as a face-to-face event according to the then applicable requirements of the Federal Government, the State of Brandenburg and the GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences.