Excursions & courses
The DEUQUA-conference 2022 program will be accompanied by a pre-conference excursion on 25th September, four post-conference excursions and two training courses on 28th and 29th September.
The excursion guide is available in print and is accessible at DEUQUA Special Publications open access.
- Bicycle-pre-conference excursion (VE1)
- Leaders: Prof. Bernhard Diekmann (AWI)
- Date: Sunday, 25.09.2022
- Bicycle-excursion by your own or a rental bycicle (10:00 am – 4:30 pm)
- Limited to 20 persons!
- Price: bicycle rent if required, self-catering
- Starting point: Potsdam
- Target region: 30 km along the Havel River
- Ending point: Potsdam
There is no better opportunity rather than biking to get a physical and mental impression of landforms and culture of the region. The tour stretches about 30 km along the Havel River, bordered by moraines, kames deposits, former periglacial features and postglacial lakes. Preformed by natural processes, the country around Potsdam was modified by different ways of land use, depending on geological substrates.
CANCELLED!(Alternative requests have been realised!)
- Post-conference bus-excursion (NE1)
- Date: Thursday, 29.09.2022
- Leader: Prof. Thomas Raab (BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg)
- Price: 45 Euro, incl. lunch packet
- Starting point: Potsdam
- Target region: Tauerscher Forst north of Cottbus (Lower Lusatia)
- Ending point: Potsdam
Opencast lignite mines in Lower Lusatia provide unique insights into human-induced environmental changes in the Northern European Lowland and improve our understanding of Quaternary landscape dynamics. The excursion will focus on soils and sediments of Late Pleistocene and Holocene age that have been modified by landuse since the Slavic Middle Ages. In the vicinity of the opencast mine Jänschwalde and in the Tauer’sche Forst north of Cottbus we are going to present a ridge and furrow system, characteristic remains of historical charcoal production and Late Quaternary rubification in soils.
NE2: Lakes and trees as climate and environmental archives: The TERENO Observatory Northeast Germany
- Post-conference bus-excursions (NE2)
- Date: Thursday, 29.09.2022
- Leaders: Prof. Achim Brauer (GFZ) & Dr. Ingo Heinrich (German Archaelogical Institut)
- Price: 45 Euro, incl. lunch packet
- Starting point: Potsdam
- Target region: Mecklenburg Lake District: Lake Tiefer See Klocksin to Lake Großer Fürstenseer See (Müritz National Park)
- Ending point: Potsdam
A robust interpretation of proxy data in geoarchives relies on detailed knowledge on the processes how climate, weather and environment changes are recorded in physical, chemical and biological characteristics of various geoarchives. An advanced understanding of this signal transfer in annually laminated lake sediments and tree rings is the aim of a comprehensive long-term monitoring within the TERENO (Terrestrial Environmental Observatories) Observatory in Northeast Germany. This excursion presents monitoring sites in Mecklenburg: (1) Lake Tiefer See (Klocksiner Seenkette) located in the natural park Nossentiner-Schwinzer Heide (lake monitoring) and (2) the catchment of Lake Hinnensee, part of Lake Großer Fürstenseer See (hydrological and tree monitoring).
- Post-conference bus-excursion (NE3)
- Date: Thursday, 29.09.2022
- Leader: Prof. Christopher Lüthgens (BOKU - University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna), Dr. Jacob Hardt (FU Berlin) & Prof. Margot Böse (FU Berlin)
- Price: 45 Euro, incl. lunch packet
- Starting point: Potsdam
- Target region: Eberswalde - Chorin (Finow Valley to Schorfheide-Chorin Biosphere Reserve)
- Ending point: Potsdam
The glacial landscape of northern Brandenburg, especially the Eberswalde-Chorin area, is one of the most important study areas of Quaternary research in northern Germany, not only with respect to research history, but especially with regard to the new results that have been generated recently in that area by applying up-to-date methodology. These new results have been an important puzzle-piece contributing to the development of a new concept of ice dynamics in the SW sector of the SIS in Marine Isotope Stage 2 (MIS 2). After an introduction to the glacial geomorphology of the area, key sites will be visited during the fieldtrip, and the recent results will be introduced and discussed.
- Post-conference bus-excursion (NE4)
- Date: Thursday, 29.09.2022
- Leader: Dr. Olaf Juschus (HNEE - University of Applied Sciences for Sustainable Development Eberswalde )
- Price: 45 Euro, incl. lunch packet
- Starting point: Potsdam
- Target region: Dahme - Spree region south-east of Berlin
- Ending point 1: Airport BER
- Ending point 2: Potsdam Hbf (main station)
The field trip will take us to sites of Quaternary geology and geomorphology to the south-east of Berlin. The stops will cover a wide range of topics connected with the waxing and waning of the Scandinavian Ice Sheets but also with the postglacial landscape history and human impact. During the field trip we will visit outcrops with Quaternary sediments from different ice advances, morphological sites like the southernmost Weichselian terminal moraines as well as Holocene palaeochannels of River Spree and River Dahme.
- Date: Wednesday, 28.09.22, 5 - 6:30 p.m.
- Place: GFZ Potsdam
- Costs: no participation fee
- Speaker: Melanie Lorenz (GFZ), Dr. Kirsten Elger (GFZ)
- Course Language: English/German
Data is at the backbone of our research discussions and conclusions. The development towards state-of-the-art (geo)scientific laboratories leads to an increasing production of data with ever higher level of precision, resolution and volume. In addition, the shift towards open science practices is increasingly demanded by science policy. This includes the transition to Open Access publications as well as the growing need to make data, scientific software, and samples, underlying scientific results, available to the general public.
To discuss opportunities, benefits, and challenges in publishing research data, and to provide concrete support to participants in data publication, DEUQUA2022 is hosting this two-hour course on "Publishing Research Data" in collaboration with the Specialised Information Service for Geosciences FID GEO.
Workshop content:
- The focus is on the publication of research data that is the basis of a research article.
- Current standards and the description of data are addressed, as well as possible domain repositories and data formats.
- We also go through current frameworks (policies, data commitment statements) and open data initiatives.
- Date: Thursday, 29.09.2022, 9 a.m. - 4 p.m.
- Requirements: Laptop with Windows 10 OS
- Place: GFZ Potsdam
- Organiser: Dr. Rik Tjallingii
- Price: free of charge
- Language: Englisch
- The course is limited to 25 participants
This one-day course offers an introduction on the theoretical background of XRF core scanning data and application of the Xelerate software. The course focusses on calibration and statistical exploration based on log-ratios of XRF-core-scanning data to improve interpretations of these data (Weltje & Tjallingii, 2008; Weltje et al., 2015).
Main topics addressed by the course are:
- Visualising of XRF core scanning data,
- Selection of calibration samples,
- Log-Ratio-Calibration and
- Multivariate data exploration.