Geo.X Summer Meeting "Creativity in Science"
19th September 2023
Enjoy the best pictures from this year's Geo.X Summer Meeting!
Geo.X Summer Meeting 2023 - A short review
This year, our meeting was hosted by the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin and focused on the topic of "Creativity in Science".
We started in the afternoon with two workshops on "Sparking Creativity - A workshop to promote ideation in research with ChatGPT" and "Design Thinking - A mindset for Innovation".
For the Summer Meeting, Christoph Schneider, Vice President for Research at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, welcomed the members of the network and illustrated how to get involved in Geo.X. As every year, the introduction of the newly appointed professors was a highlight. In the subsequent panel discussion on the question where creativity comes from, the panelists shared their insights, experiences and the latest findings from creativity research.
The get-together with food and drinks was accompanied by a community slideshow "Geo.X at work", which presented the work sites and projects of our participants.
We thank all participants for the inspiring atmosphere and the wonderful networking evening!
Program Summer Meeting
Registration and welcome drinks at the Festsaal HU Berlin, Luisenstraße 56
Opening address
Christoph Schneider (Vice President for Research HU Berlin & Geo.X Board of Directors)
3-minute presentations of newly-appointed professors
Eva Eibl (University of Potsdam)
Stefanie Kaboth-Bahr (FU Berlin)
Susanne Liebner (University of Potsdam & GFZ)
Dirk Sachse (HU Berlin & GFZ)
Damaris Zurell (University of Potsdam)
Panel discussion "Creativity in Science"
Jennifer Haase (HU Berlin & Weizenbaum Institute Berlin)
Claire Treat (AWI)
Damaris Zurell (University of Potsdam)
Alexander Rohrmann (FU Berlin)
Jacob Hardt (FU Berlin, Moderation)
Get-Together with food and drinks
In case you have questions according to our Summer Meeting please send us an e-mail: